
Virtualisation can bring so many benefits to your company’s IT. As the name suggests, it involves the creation of something virtual, rather than actual. That could mean a virtual operating system (OS), computer hardware platform, storage device or computer network resources – in short, whatever you need to keep your business ticking over more efficiently, for less.

Contact us now to talk about the full range of possibilities of virtualisation for your company. For example, server replication as part of Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) creates a mirrored clone of your production server, meaning that if you have any server or connectivity problems, you can be back up and running with hardly any downtime.

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Hosted Desktops

Our Desktop as a Service (DaaS) plan gives you the complete cost-effective virtual desktop environment, without the patching and maintenance headaches of traditional desktop PC management.

Private Cloud

Interested in cloud computing, but want to ensure the highest security and privacy standards? Choose our on-premise virtualisation service, which also delivers brilliant performance and capacity.

Disaster recovery

Infrastructure as a Service allows you to outsource your company's storage, hardware and servers. We are also a popular choice for Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), keeping your business covered in the event of a catastrophe.

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